About Us

Who We Are

We are a not-for-profit company promoted by NGOs working in Jharkhand (India) to accelerate the participation of small and marginal producers in the market for their benefit. The organization is a successor to Vikas Bazar dot Net, which functioned as an informal forum for 11 years.


Vikas Bazar dot Net, the precursor forum, was the outcome of a workshop on “Poor, Livelihoods and Market Development” held in Ranchi between 23 – 27 November 2005. Representative of 54 NGOs active in the field of livelihood promotion from the eastern Plateau region of India attended the workshop. Fifteen organizations from Jharkhand who were present in the meeting volunteered to carry forward the mandate received at the workshop. Representatives of the organizations met periodically which slowly took the shape of a forum and named as Vikas Bazar dot Net. Vikas Bazar dot Net has strived to achieve excellence in market linked livelihood promotion for small holders through knowledge creation, capacity building, collaborating with relevant stakeholders, and joint implementation of commodity value chain projects by forming programme coalitions.


To be a vibrant, technologically-advanced, knowledge hub influencing and mobilizing resources from the government, institutions and individuals, enhancing the ability of member organizations and other stakeholders to help the poor and marginalized farmers to access markets gainfully.


  • Equality


    Having the same rights or being treated the same way as other people without differences of race, religion or sex being considered.


  • Inclusiveness


    A sense of belonging: feeling respected, valued for who you are; feeling a level of supportive energy and commitment from others so that you can do your best work.


  • Integrity


    Alignment in thought, word and action. It is also freedom from corruptive influence or motive. The staff of the organization will value commitments, not misappropriate, or knowingly misrepresent facts, and maintain transparent and accountable systems and procedures.


  • Transprency


    Allowing the truth to be seen and understood easily.


  • Trust


    The expectation of the opportunity to function and to become, in a world that provides support and freedom.


  • Volunteerism


    Donating time and energy for the benefit of other people in the community as a social responsibility rather than for any financial reward.



Currently 19 NGOs are members of VB Net Foundation. VB Net Foundation is governed by a board headed by chairperson, selected periodically from the members of the Foundation. Action agenda is decided in regular periodic meetings attended by representatives of all member organizations. Activities of VB Net Foundation are managed by its secretariat headed by a chief executive officer, who is an experience development professional.

Nandalal Baksi


Awadh Nandan Pandey

Member of the Board

Sukanta Sarkar

Member of the Board/p>

Jawahar Mehta

Member of the Board

Krishna Kant

Member of the Board

Madhav Kumar Das

Member of the Board